Escort Girl Luna

Luna the hot Cubanerin at Escort 4 Berlin

Age 29 Years

Dieses Escort Girl kann zur Zeit nicht gebucht werden!

The call-girl Luna is 29 years old and lives and works in Berlin. It has a height of 155cm and is therefore quite small. They stop long black curly hair. Luna is originally from Cuba. She had a very feminine and sexy figure and wears clothing size 36. My beautiful natural breasts are very nice to look at and has the cup size 75b. Lunas working hours or when they can be booked for them can be individually tune. Call Just at the following telephone number (0152- 25 78 33 45), and they know everything worth knowing. Book Luna for one hour, the price of this 100 Euro. For this low price you get included services such as active and passive Dildo. The French and mutual French 69 are naturally included. Gladly Luna Derive the pampering one of their customers with an erotic massage or a striptease. Then they could relax with a stretched hand relaxation followed by body insemination. Maybe they then like to shower games or want they prefer cuddling or petting. At Luna such benefits are granted. The actual traffic is during the booked hour several times possible, this also includes the repeated change of position. Presented them not from the services offered. No problem to a certain charge are yet to get special benefits such as French deep for 20 euros, they want caviar, this will cost 40 euros, NS is also possible for 10 euros extra. Very exciting anal sex with Luna it costs 20 euros. Kisses calculates the Escortgirl Luna with 10 Euro.


Booking Hotline
99.00 EURO for the first hour
16.00 - 02.00

My hair is Black
Cup size
My breasttail is 75 B
My weight is 50 bis 55 KG
I am 1.55 Meter tall
Clothing size
30 to 32
Intimate area

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